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Primary Sources:

Thanks to the wonders of Internet archiving, all of the following ancient sources are easily found on the Web, in both the original language and in translation. Three of the most comprehensive sites are LacusCurtius, the Perseus Project and the Internet Classics Archive.

Cicero, In Pisonem, 23, 55

Dio Cassius, Roman History, 56, 42, I

Flavius Josephus, The Jewish War. VII,v, 3-7

​Livy, History of Rome, XXX, 21

Martial, Epigrams, 8, 65​

Pliny, Natural History, 34,33

Plutarch, Aemilius Paulus, 32, 1

Suetonius, Life of Augustus, 100

Suetonius, Life of Caesar, 37 & 78

Suetonius, Life of Nero25

Tacitus, Annals, I, 8 

Secondary Sources:

Bastien, Jean-Luc. Le triomphe romain et son utilisation politique à Rome aux trois derniers siècles de la République. Rome: École française de Rome, 2007.

Beard, Mary. The Roman Triumph. Cambridge: Belknap Press, 2007.

Coarelli, F. “La Porta Trionfale e la Via dei Trionfi. DdA 2 (1968): 55-103.

Coarelli, F. Il Foro Boario: dale origini alla fine della repubblica. 2nd ed. Rome: 1992.

Coarelli, F. Il Foro Romano, vol. I: Periodo archaïco. Rome: 1983.

Coarelli, F. Il Foro Romano, vol. II: Periodo Repubblicano e augusteo. Rome: 1985.

Favro, Diane. “The Street Triumphant: The Urban Impact of Roman Triumphal Parades.” From Streets: Critical Perspectives on Public Space. Ed. Zeynep Çelik, Diane Favro and Richard Ingersoll. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994.

Hasselberger, L. Mapping Augustan Rome. JRA Supplement, 50. Portsmouth: 2002.

Künzl, E. Der römische Triumph: Siegesfeiern im antiken Rom. Munich: 1988.

Lyngby, H. Beiträge zur Topographie des Forum-Boarium-Gebietes in Rom. Lund: 1954.

Makin, E. “The triumphal route, with particular reference to the Flavian triumph.” JRS II (1921): 25-36.

Richardson Jr., L. “Honos et Virtvs and the Sacra Via” American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 82, No. 2 (Spring, 1978): 240-246.

Richardson Jr., L. A New Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1992.

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