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Via Sacra

Ancient Rome's Downtown Quarter

This is a great space for a future student to research and summarize the suggested rerouteing of the Via Sacra along the Roman Forum's northern side. 

Suggested reading to get you started:

Bastien, Jean-Luc. Le triomphe romain et son utilisation politique à Rome aux trois derniers siècles de la République. Rome: École française de Rome, 2007.

Coarelli, F. Il Foro Romano, vol. I: Periodo archaïco. Rome: 1983.

Coarelli, F. Il Foro Romano, vol. II: Periodo Repubblicano e augusteo. Rome: 1985.

Richardson Jr., L. “Honos et Virtvs and the Sacra Via” American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 82, No. 2 (Spring, 1978): 240-246.

Via Sacra today, looking towards the Arch of Titus (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

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